There are so many! But a theme that I often see is women looking to one food or food group to solve their health goals - for example, that eating a specific food will get you pregnant! There are no “magic foods” that will solve any health concerns. Rather than looking at...
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Moving from one hormonal cycle to the next can be challenging, which is why we want to speak to real women about their experiences going through these life changes and how they navigated them. To close out Menopause Week we have invited Rachel, a perimenopause influencer and blogger, who wants women to...
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I would say breastfeeding was one of the most challenging experiences that I ever went through as a first time mom. I breastfed both my children for about 14 months each. My goal was to do at least a year for both children, but once you get the hang of it, it...
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Hello, we hope you’re well! We’re back to introduce to you another irreplaceable member of the small but mighty Knours team…meet Cheryl. Cheryl and her daughter Cheryl hails from a finance background and also started a successful small business with her husband but she saw much value in the Knours mission so...
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